Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Our New Year's Eve has been great. The high is 72 today and I think it has reached it. The day has consisted of... Laundry hanging to dry on the clothes line,

Planes making not so straight lines in the clear blue sky,

The windows are open to air out the house and get my energy level up with the fresh air,

The pigs were able to get of out of the pin and graze,

And my assistance was able to take a nap, while I did some stuff on the computer this morning!

We hope you have a safe New Year's, may God bless you!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Couponing: My Third Time

This was my best trip out of the three so far. I did really good, yippee for me!!!!!!!

First off was CVS...

  • Reese's Peanut Butter Cups x 4 - Originally $.89, On Sale B2G1 Free, Coupon B1G1 Free, Total Price $.89

Grand Total with Taxes $ .98

Total Savings $2.67

Next it was off to Target...

  • Ivory Soap x 1 - Originally Not Known, On Sale $.99, With Coupon ($2.00) $0.00, Total Due $0.00
  • Olay Soap x 2 - Originally $.97, Not On Sale, With Coupon ($2.00 x 2) $0.00, Total Due $0.00
  • Gillette Shave Cream x 2 - Originally $.97, Not On Sale, With Coupon ($1.00 x 2) $0.00, Total Due $0.00
  • Suave Shampoo x 2 - Originally Not Known, On Sale $.84, With Coupon ($1.00 x 2) $0.00, Total Due $0.00
  • Carefree Pads x 2 - Originally Not Know, On Sale $.97, With Coupon ($1.00 x 2) $0.00, Total Due $0.00
  • Letter File Folder x 1, Originally $1.00, Total Due $0.00 because of the extra credits from the coupons

Total Due with Taxes $0.52

Total Savings $9.51

And last but not least we headed to Publix...

  • Dishwasher Detergent x 2 - Originally $4.59, On Sale $2.99, With Coupon ($1.00 x 2) $1.99, Total Due $3.98
  • Trash Bags x 1 - Originally $5.99, Not On Sale, No Coupons, Total Due $5.99
  • Minute Rice x 1 - Originally $2.19, On Sale $1.89, With Coupon ($1.00 x 1) $.89, Total Due $.89
  • A1 Steak Sauce x 1 - Originally Not Known, On Sale $2.15, No Coupons, Total Due $2.15
  • Toothpaste x 2 - Originally $3.29, On Sale $1.67, Coupon ($1.00 x 2) $.67, Total Due $1.34
  • Soup x 8 - Originally $2.29, On Sale $1.14, With Coupon ($1.00 off 4 x 2) $.89, Total Due $7.12
  • Soap x 2 - Originally $2.29, On Sale $1.15, No Coupon, Total Due $2.30
  • Success Rice x 2 - Originally $2.29, Not On Sale, With Coupon ($1.00 x 2) $1.29, Total Due $2.58
  • Coffee Creamer (not pictured) x 1 - Originally $2.00, On Sale $1.50, With Coupon ($.55 x 1) $.95, Total Due $.95

Total Due with Taxes $28.88

Total Savings 30.33

For my Tuesday shopping I spent a total of $30.38 and saved a total of $42.51.

I would have to say I am slowly getting pretty good at this coupon thing. One thing I am bad at is throwing away coupons for things that we use because they are a different brand than we use. For example I had the Finish Dishwashing Detergent coupons two weeks ago but threw them away thinking I will never buy the tablet kind they are to expensive but lucky me was able to find them online for today's shopping trip.

So have you saved anything on a recent shopping trip? If so share about it and leave a comment.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Eat's of the Week ~ December 26, 2010

This is a shot out the back door last night (Christmas day), we had a white Christmas in the end!
Hamburger Steak
Crust-less Egg Custard
Chicken Fried Rice
Mashed Potatoes
Hardee's Thickburger
Moe's Southwestern Home Wrecker Burrito
Tuna Cheesy, Creamy Casserole

My hammock was flipped around wrong so when I turned it to be correct I had icicle's that were facing up. Neat huh??

And our house this afternoon, it seems last night we had some really strong winds and blew all the pretty snow away :(

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

From our house to yours may you remember the reason for this day and give praises to God for bringing us his son Jesus Christ to save us from our sins.
Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Eat's of the Week ~ December 19, 2010

Green Salad (if it last that long)
I have an ornament exchange party that night so Keith will have yummy leftovers.
Christmas with the Alford's (we will eat their)
HM Pizza or leftovers if we bring any home, most of the time we do.
Cheesy Tuna Casserole
A wonderful Christmas meal with my family.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fire Starters

Do you dry your clothes in the dryer, burn candles and use toilet paper? Then this is the best way to reduce your waste and keep warm at the same time.
It all started when I read this post on Heavenly Homemaker about stocking stuffer. Then I read the comments and then I did some googling. The post stated that Laura makes egg carton fire starters for her friends stocking. Then in the comments someone mentioned using toilet paper rolls, dryer lint and left over candle wax to make fire starters. I googled and googled some more and ran across these web sites "The Guide Zone: Fire Starters" and "Fundamentals of Camping: Fire Starters for your Campfire". Between my three sources of direction it seemed easy so I saved a few toilet paper rolls and melted some almost gone candles and thus the project began.
My only problem was that some suggested to stuff the dryer lint tightly in the toilet paper roll and some said to stuff it loosely in the toilet paper roll. So I am going to test the to different methods Thursday and Friday mornings when I build my daily fire.

With a kitty cat that loves to watch the fire burn and my cold little toes why not find a way to make getting the fire started easier.

I will be back Friday to tell you which way worked best and if there was even a difference.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Eat's of the Week ~ December 12, 2010

Cube Steak Sandwiches (from leftover cube steaks we had yesterday)
We will be eating at Buffalo Wild Wings for a surprise birthday party.
Jumbo Shells stuffed with Spaghetti Sauce and Cheese
w/ Garlic Bread and Garden Salad
Crock pot Baked Potato Soup
w/ cheese, chives, crumbled bacon and sour cream for toppings
I will be at my girls birthday club so Keith will eat left overs from Wednesday.
Hot Dogs, HM Onion Rings and HM Baked Beans
I am not sure yet if we have plans this night. We might so I am not going digging in the freezer to figure it out.

The picture above is of Applesauce Bread, which I have been making every week and eating a slice or two each morning. The recipe is so simple and requires a bowl and spoon to mix it up, no need to drag out the mixer. Daddy, if your reading this well, I know you probably aren't close your eyes, he is getting a few loaves for Christmas. He loves anything that is sweet and baked. Easy Peasy!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Greens Party

This past Saturday was a busy day full of three parties to go to. The first was a Greens Party that is hosted by my mom's friend Marie. This is her 10th year doing this and it is just awesome. It started after the death of her son, her sister had come to visit and make sure she was doing okay. They decided one day to get out of the house and explore the woods around her home and collect greens to make decorations to put out at Christmas and then the next year she made a party out of it and invited everyone she knew and the rest of the story is well fresh greenery at Christmas time for anyone that comes.
She always host this party the first Saturday of December from 10am to 2pm. She provides containers, ribbons, floral foam, about six different types of fresh greenery, hot apple cider, hot chocolate, different soups at lunch time, a few outdoor fires to keep your hands from freezing while you work and most important a helping hand to help anyone that needs a little push.
You can bring your own container, wreath frame or use hers.

Below is my friend Lyndsey that came with me this year and Marie helping out with using different colored berries.

Lyndsey and the final product...

Because I am so brave I made the same thing I have in the past. A centerpiece for my IKEA table (circa September 2010).

Right after the Greens party I zoomed home to park, jump out of my car and jump in Keith's truck to go to a birthday party for a sweet little three year old, then we went to Wal-Mart and Target trying to kill two hours for the next party which was the Auburn/South Carolina SEC Championship Game. I hope your Saturday was great! This Saturday I HOPE to be able to read and/or crochet until the evening.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Couponing: My Second Time

  • Soy Milk x 2 - Originally $3.39, On Sale $2.50, With Coupon ($1.00 x 2) $1.50, Total Due $3.00
  • Peanut Butter x 2 - Originally $ 2.85, Not On Sale, With Coupon ( $.55 x 2) $2.30, Total Due $4.60
  • Frozen Veggies x 8 - Originally $1.39, On Sale $1.00, No Coupon, Total Due $8.00
  • Creamer x 2 - Originally $2.00, On Sale $1.25, With Coupon ($.75 x 2) $.50, Total Due $1.00
  • Biscuits x 8 - Originally $1.49, On Sale $1.00, With Coupon ($.40 x 4 and $.30 x 4) $.70 or $.60, Total Due $5.20
  • Pork Steaks x 1 - Originally $5.22, On Sale $3.87, No Coupon, Total Due $3.87

Grand Total with Taxes $ 25.30

(my math is off a little from the receipt but give or take 37 cents)

Total Savings $20.31

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Eat's of the Week ~ December 5, 2010

This is how our Sunday afternoon was spent after church and before our LifePointe group. I hope you have had a lazy Sunday as well.

Farmer Fellowship
(we will eat their)

Canned Soup and Sandwiches

Black Beans with Rice and Sausage

Lasagna and Bread sticks

Farmer Fellowship Christmas Party

We will bring a appetizer, I am not sure yet what we will take, I will go to the store Tuesday for the items if I need to buy something

Cube Steak, Rice and Gravy

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Greens Party

Today I am going to a Greens Party. Have you hosted one of these before or been to one? Well, this will be my 3rd year going to this one and I hope to host one next year. Ohh, I think it would be sooo fun. Here is what I made the very first time I went. The second time I went I helped take photo's so I did really make anything too exciting. But this year I think I am going to make the same thing as below. You shall see in a later post.....

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Couponing: My First Time

This Sunday was the day! The day that I got brave enough to go to the store and buy stuff that would normally not be in my cart, buggie or whatever you call it in your neck of the woods because of the price. You see I buy everything that is store brand. If there isn't a store brand of it I try to make it homemade or buy the most generic product available. I have thought about using coupons in the past but I have always thought how can you buy the name brand item and it really be cheaper than the store brand. I never thought this could happen, but I now know it can.
Here is a picture of my shopping list printed out from Southern Saver's and my coupons that I printed out. The list is for Publix, which I LOVE (it is so clean you can sometimes smell bleach) but it can be pricey for our income. So I don't go there as much as I would like. They have great coupon offers like if the coupon is 50 cents or less they will double it and they always have a TON of B1G1 deals.

This Sunday I needed only four items and two of each.

  • Toilet Paper x 2 - Originally $8.49, On Sale $6.49, With Coupon($.50 doubled x 2) $5.49, Total Due $10.98 for the equivalent of 48 regular rolls
  • Creamer x 2 - Originally $2.00, On Sale $1.25, With Coupon($1.50 x 2) -$0.25, Total Due to Me $0.50
  • Cream Cheese x 2 - Originally $1.59, Not On Sale, Total Due $3.18
  • Gluten Free Crackers x 2 - Originally $3.49, On Sale (B1G1) $2.50, Total Due $5.00

Grand Total with Taxes $19.76

A Savings of $12.48

I forgot to mention that when I was ready to check out, I scouted for the register that was empty and I even checked out the clerks to see if they would be sweet to me as a newbie. When it was my turn, nobody was behind me Hallelujah, I told the Tammy the clerk "Um, this is my first time using coupons and I am very nervous and if for some reason I can't use the coupons, I am sorry but I am not going to be able to get the toilet paper." She said "Oh honey, people come in here all the time with huge stacks of them you will be fine. Let me see what your coupons say." I gave them to her and the whole time all this was going on, inside I felt like I had taken some kind of drug, my heart was racing and I was very nervous. As you can see above the coupons worked. I told Tammy "Now I can get 5 items next time with coupons", you know trying to work my way up and build my confidence and she nicely said "You did good, go ahead and get all your grocery's next time".

So go check out Southern Savers and all the coupon websites. This is So So worth it! If you stay at home like me it is away to help out and as a friend says that it is his wife's "Part Time Job". Southern Savers will explain it all to you and they even do workshops, maybe there is one in your area. If the grocery stores in your area are not ones that she shares about you can still learn the concept.

Go get busy and tell me about your great savings!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Miss Piggy and Rooney

This picture was taken on October 1st. This is Miss Piggy (5 yo) and her daughter Rooney (2 1/2 mo). I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Today is a day of first things and some will call it ironic and cool but I will say it is a God thing.
Our FIRST fire of the season
Our FIRST homemade soup of the season
Keith's FIRST deer of the season
A FIRST lunch with a dear friend that will hopefully help rekindle the friendship that I messed up
My FIRST time using coupons (more to come on this)

Eat's of the Week ~ Novemeber 28, 2010

Tomato, Sausage Soup (it is so yummy and simple)
Buttered Bread
Hamburger Helper
(I know so grose but I am trying to get all the bad stuff out of the house without just throwing it away)
Leftover Thanksgiving from my Grandma's
Contemplating Romans (we are bringing snacks)
Blueberry Breakfast Cake
Cream cheese with Strawberry Jalapeno Jam over it and Homemade Wheat Thins
Any other ideas???
Give me some ideas please
Christmas Movie Night w/ The Girls
I am taking Cream cheese with a Orange Pineapple Jam over it and glutten free crackers
We will be watching the Auburn game at a friends house so we will be eating whatever they have for us to munch on

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Thanks

The kids came over Monday and spent the afternoon with me. We went on a nature walk looking for items to Give Thanks for.

Jamie said "Let's lay down by it and act like we are asleep", so that is what they are doing.

Putting everything together. Jamie did the word Thanks! and Mason did Give.

While the corn cob cookie dough was hardening in the refrigerator they asked if they could make "yarn mummies". Have you ever heard of such? Well, here they are. I had to pick them up like a sack of potatoes to move them in front of the baskets to take the picture.

This Thanksgiving I am very thankful for:
-Jesus who died for our sins
-A husband that lives for God and by God
-A niece and nephew
-My bible study friends (oh the role they have played in my life recently)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Eat's of the Week ~ November 21, 2010

We had a big lunch so we will nibble on snacks
Baked Chicken Legs
Seasoned Brown Rice
Leftover Chicken Legs
Thanksgiving in Huntsville, AL
Lasagna, Salad and Bread stick Feast at the Alford's
Leftover Lasagna

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 26 Update

This past Tuesday marked the 26th day of my no-poo and oil cleaning method journey and I am knocking on wood as I type it but I think it is all down hill and everything is back to normal from here on. These pictures were taken Tuesday at Wal-Mart and a parking lot. Boy, it is amazing the places that inspire me to take a picture.

I look normal wouldn't you say?

Friday, November 19, 2010

You Still Have Time To...

Pack a Shoebox for

Operation Christmas Child

(Keith 2008 at the Atlanta processing plant, he is proud of the big firetruck he found in this box)

I have gone to the processing plant in Atlanta and sorted the items in the boxes to take the things out that would stop the boxes in customs so now I know what to put in them and what not to. When I do our boxes they consist of Dollar Tree items mainly. The basic that I have seen in the majority of the boxes when I have worked at the processing plant was:
~Soap (wrapped in a Ziploc bag so everything doesn't smell like soap
~Wash Cloth
~Plastic Toys (no guns, snakes, Pokemon or army men)
~Hair Brush and Plastic Mirror
~PJ Outfit (based on the age group selected)
~Crayons and Coloring Book
~Note Pad and Pencils w/ Pencil Sharpener or Pens
~A Makeup bag or small bag (for them to keep important things in)
~Small Sewing Kit (for the parents)
~Hard Candy (best to put it in a Ziploc bag to keep it from falling all over the place)
~Toothbrush and Toothpaste
~A Letter to the Child and your address and a photo
~Stuffed Animal
~Handkerchief or Scarf (something to help them carry stuff easier)
Things Not To Pack:
~Liquid of Any Kind (toothpaste is okay)
~Soft Candy
~War Themed Items

One thing that I have seen in material that I have received from OCC is photos of the kids mud house and their box right beside the bed or the wrapping paper or picture on the wall. This is for most of the children the only gift they have ever received. We are very lucky to be born in the USA but even more lucky to be able to help the children all over the world.

(us in 2008, boy my hair was short)
In a box done in 2008 we included a letter and photo and they somehow took our photo and added themselves and a different background and sent it to me with a letter. Check it out below. I am now about to cry thinking about this. Neat huh?
What are you waiting for?
Get a shoebox, go to the Dollar Tree, get packing and drop it off at a drop off point by Monday, November 22nd.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Eat's of the Week ~ November 14, 2010

Farmer Fellowship (eat their)
Fend for Yourself
Dinner at a Friend's House
Black Beans over Rice
Italian Rolls
Financial Peace (eat their)
Foot Long Chili Dog's
Cole Slaw & Chips
(Keith's Dad's Retirement Party)
Roasted Chicken Legs
(I hope they thaw out in time)
Squash, Zucchini, Potatoes and Onions

Awesome Deal

I just started following this website called Southern Savers which is all about saving money and using coupons. So this morning before church I got on the computer to check out her site to see what it was about a little more and I found this steal of a deal. I copied this straight from the website...
"Update: Tanga prices go up over time (just like Amazon) this is now $5.99 for year.
Get a great deal on a year subscription to Rachael Ray Magazine! Tanga has it for $23.99, then use code EVERYDAY to get it for $3.50!!
That comes to around 35¢ an issue.
There aren’t a lot of coupons in these magazines, but it would probably make a great Christmas present for someone."
I got my sister a two year subscription to Rachel Ray for $12 bucks for Christmas. Yes, I said TWELVE. The price for one year is now $5.99 and at that low of a price I could not help myself to buy two years.
So check it out!!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ohhh, I want these...

I am a lover of warm feet and I can never get my feet warm enough. These Chalet Shearling shoes from Land's End look like they will keep my feet nice and warm and are kinda stylish at the same time.

I am wanting to expand my bake ware to include quality items that will last me a true lifetime and a stoneware cookie sheet is a good place to start. This is a Medium Bar Pan from Pampered Chef.

As you know I have a few chickens of my own and they have helped me cut back at the grocery store so I can't even imagine how they would help a family across the world that eats one meal a day. You can get 2 chickens from World Vision to provide good nutritious, a meal and a income for overseas needy families.
If you are interested in giving a gift in honor of someone, in memory of someone or instead of giving a gift to your family you give it to a family that is truly unable to provide for themselves go to either World Vision's or Operation Christmas Child's 2010 Gift Catalog

Remember up above I said I like my feet WARM, well I still like them warm. These Hearthside Moccasin's from LL Bean have been on my feet for that last two winters and spring and fall because I can't stand to walk in the house without them (no, my floors are not that dirty). I have washed them about four times and they still keep my little toes warm. The inside fur is looking a bit dirty from me going outside with them on but I still wear them. I would take a new pair since the soles are coming off, but since that isn't going to happen I am sticking with my oldies. Sorry for the small picture, just click the link if you want to see them better.
I have so many bread pans, five to be exact because I can never figure out the right size pan that I like. Some of the pans are metal only costing $1.99 from Ikea and some are glass. I just want to get two of the same pans and stop cluttering up my cabinets. Here is a Loaf Pan from Pampered Chef that I know would cover all of my loaf/bread making needs.
The reasons I said that I am not going to get what I want this year is because Keith and I could (if we save enough money) go to Germany next November for five days. So I am asking only for money this Christmas to help save up for the plane ticket, meals and spending money. So I will be getting something it will just come next November.
So what are your item that you wish for this Christmas season?

Monday, November 8, 2010

I am not loosing it!

I am starting this post off with the disclaimer that "I am not loosing it". All the bolts and nuts are in my head and my husband hasn't said anything about my new adventures.
For the past 18 days (started October 22) I have been using the No-Poo method to wash my hair and the Oil-Cleansing method to wash my face. Both are natural, chemical free and frugal.
(Me on the first day)

This has been challenging since I have had to speak at church in front of about 400 people, go out of town and meet with many ladies.

My Oil Cleansing Method Thoughts
My face washing method is going great. I actually am really excited about the time I have spent doing it so far and if I have had a transition time it seems to be very mild or either I haven't hit the hard times yet.

Here are some links that I have found very useful in trying this out... How to Clean your Face Naturally and Who knew going cheap and minimalist could be so good?. Plus all the great comments left on both of those post.

My No-Poo Method Thoughts
So the new hair cleansing method has been fun but what has made the transition workable for me is that I am at home now and the times that I have to go out and about are few. My hair has been heavy feeling and sticky at times but it seems to be getting better. This past weekend we went out of town to Florida and I would just wash it and put it up in a bun and by the end of the day it looked matted down and like I haven't washed it in a few days. But this too shall pass, right? While I have been washing my hair with a mixture of 1 tablespoon baking soda to 1 cup of warm water and I use about half of that mixture each day, I have thought about washing my hair with a egg wash every now and then but haven't done that yet. What has made it neat is I found a blog diary that journals a ladies adventures of no-poo and she started the same day as me.

Here are the links that have inspired me to get started on this...How to Clean Your Hair Without Shampoo, Natural Hair Care: Shampoo Recipe and Natural Homemade Shampoo for $1.30. Plus the great comments that the readers left.

So what crazy, frugal and natural ways are implementing in your life?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Eat's of the Week ~ November 7, 2010

Pizza Hut
Baked Chicken Breast
Sauteed Squash, Zucchini and Onions
Yummy Flavored Rice
Leftover (I like to over cook and eat on it later)
Contemplating Romans (eat their)
Financial Peace (eat their)
We might eat a simple dinner maybe
soup and sandwiches or microwaved nachos
Chicken 'n' Rice

Monday, November 1, 2010

Eat's of the Week ~ October 31, 2010

Snacks (Big Lunch)
Chicken Pot Pie
Green Beans
Sprinkle Brownies
Mexican Beans
Nachos from leftover
Financial Peace (eat their)
Dinner Out and About
Eating Out Again

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Random Thoughts

Friday as I was getting ready to go for pizza and a movie with a friend I walked into my bathroom and saw this... My little kitty cat was waiting on my to finish getting ready. The very next day she crawled in while I wasn't looking and I shut the door and when I was in the shower it sounded like someone was banging on the front door, it was her trying to get the door open.
A few weeks ago I was outside drinking my coffee and watching the birds and it was around 10 am and this is what the moon looked like...
Isn't that pretty with the clouds barley there.
So those are some random things that I wanted to share.
Happy Tuesday!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

You should enter...

To win a pizza making kit over at Passionate Homemaking. So go on...leave a comment!

Eat's of the Week ~ October 24, 2010

Since Keith and I have decided that it is better for me to stay home and manage the house I am going to start planning meals out so when I am running errands or cleaning the house dinner is not on my mind.
Keith is in bold above because this was Keith's choice. I was looking for jobs because he wanted me to. He is the head of our house and I am doing as he wishes.
Now, back to meal planning... Last week I planned out all our meals on Sunday and posted the list on the microwave and when I was preparing Monday's meal I looked to see what we were having on Tuesday to see what I can do to get it going whether it was getting the meat out of the freezer or to double check that we have all the ingredients to make it. This was very helpful!
Keith's day graciously gave us the meat from a deer that he killed this year and it amounted to 19 packs of ground venison and 15 packs of cubed venison. This is going to be very helpful and I can't wait to make chili with it. On to this weeks meals...
Crock pot Meatloaf
Lima Beans
Mashed Potatoes
Chicken Pot Pie
Potato Skillet Meal (more on this Thursday)
Financial Peace (we eat dinner at the class)
Baked Beans
Pumpkin Carving Party (we will eat whatever they are serving up)
So what are you eating this week? Do you plan it out?