Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Eat's of the Week ~ May 8, 2011

(Sorry the computer desk is a mess. Aubie has found a new sleeping place on the old lap top, but only if it is turned on. She really likes to lay on a key and hold it down and fall asleep while the computer is making and awful noise.)
Grilled Chicken
Boiled Cabbage
Sauteed Squash
Buttered Rice (this is so so yummy)
Sliced Tomatoes
Sausage and Onion
Twice Baked Potatoes
Huddle House

Sunday's leftovers
Mini Meatloaves
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
Ranch Burgers
Homemade French Fries
Picnic at Callaway Gardens

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Camping at West Point Lake

What seems like a month's ago we went camping to relax and fish.
We were there four days, the first we setup after church and hunted down firewood.
The second day we prepared for the scary storm that was coming that night, we put tarps up to block the wind and to keep the expected hail out of our tent. And we visited with my dad and uncle who came to visit.
The third day we spent with our friends Caleb and Cary and there two kids. Keith and Caleb went fishing ALL day and caught our dinner and Cary and I stayed back at camp and played with the cute kiddo's. They came back before dark and cleaned the fish and us girls got the potatoes cut up, the pasta salad made and the hush puppy mix mixed up. We had a great time with them.
And the last day well was spent putting everything up and taking down all the safety measures we put up for the storm.
We didn't get to relax like we normally do when we go camping but He had other plans for this trip and I think our patience was on trail.
I did cheat and take a crock-pot and cooked hamburger casserole the second day but besides that we cooked everything over the grill besides the fish.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A VERY Bad Thing I Like To Eat

On one of my visits to my sisters a few months ago, I visited their Dollar Tree. I go to the DT here all the time, about twice a month. For some strange reason I spotted this very, very bad item and decided I wanted to give it a try. Let me tell you why I have no idea why I bought this. I don't buy cereal, cookies, snack crackers, chips, pretzels or anything that is sweet or salty. If it is sweet or salty and in our house it is for a get together that we are hosting or I baked it. I think I was wanting to have a blast from the past or something but I bought it. A few weeks ago I fried up this nasty goodness and we had it for lunch with a fresh apple, carrots and celery. Then just this past Monday I was at the DT and bought this nasty goodness again for some strange reason. I know how bad it is and it is against what I am trying to feed us but I bought it again. So today I fried it up and had it again with apples.
So what is this nasty goodness that I hope I will never eat again since I have now told on myself?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lazy B Farms

At the first of April we went to a Gardening 101 class at Lazy B Farms. It was an early morning for us, we had a 2+ hour drive and had to be there at 8:30am. I am so glad that Keith was able to go (drive) with me it would have been hard to peel myself out of bed and drive to be by myself all day. Thank you Keith for coming with me.
Cyndi and her family have a beautiful farm. I have snapped some pictures of my favorite spots for inspiration. I hope you enjoy them.

The chicken house above and her raised beds behind me below.

Fishing with Family

About a month or so ago Keith and I went fishing with his dad at West Point Lake in Georgia. It is about a 30 minute drive from our houses and it was well worth it. The waters were very very ruff, we thought on our way back to the boat ramp that we were in the ocean not a lake. The wind that day was non stop and we could not hide at all from the wind. Needless to say we all three had messed up hair. Here are some of the photos of that day fishing. I, myself caught three: a catfish, a bass and a brim.

We cooked up all this fish and more that we caught this past weekend when we had a fish fry. More to come on that after I catch up on what has happened before then.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Please tell me how long it takes to boil water in your (or your mom's or your sister's or your friend's) canner and what type of stove you have?
I have a glass stove top and it took me 1 hour 30 minutes. I almost wanted to throw the out the jelly that I was making.
So please tell me...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Eat's of the Week ~ May 1, 2011

I'm Back...
Chicken, Rice and Broccoli Casserole
Garlic Bread
Chef Salad with all the toppings
Pinto Beans
Corn Bread
Ham Steak (Maybe)
Leftover Beans
I love this meal and could eat it daily!!!
Cousin's Wedding
Eatin' on the Road