Last Sunday our power was out for over 2 hours. Read what I typed up about that power outage...
"What was I to do?
- I had slept pretty much all day (It was around 5:30pm)
- I finally was awake with some energy and wanted to cook a few things for the week (bread, biscuits and hamburger buns)
- The power was out and it was raining cats and dogs
"What was I to do?
- I had slept pretty much all day (It was around 5:30pm)
- I finally was awake with some energy and wanted to cook a few things for the week (bread, biscuits and hamburger buns)
- The power was out and it was raining cats and dogs
I swept the bathrooms and then proceeded to mop with equal parts hot water (thankful for not having a tank less water heater) and vinegar. I blew out all the candles and the smoke gave me a quick headache so I sat on our small front stoop and left the door open to let it air out, then I played bejeweled on my iPod and thought how I should be reading one of my many books I have started and I turned around to see if it smelled still and ta da the power was back on.
So I am still playing bejeweled and thinking of what to cook."
So what do you do when the power goes out at your house? Do you play cards, read a book, clean house like me or just take a quick nap?
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